Monday, March 19, 2007

Sorry it has been a while

Sorry for not posting lately. Everyone here has been sick for the past three weeks. Ty started it with an ear infection. Then Alley and I both had bronchitis and sinus issues. My cough would not go away and I ended up with pneumonia. We are all feeling much better and I am trying to catch up with everything I let pile up while I was sick.

TJ is doing well and we talk with him a few times a week. Thanks to everyone who has written him and sent him packages. He doesn't always have time to write everyone and thank them, but it does mean a lot to get a little love from home.

I will post some pictures in a few days. Ty is potty trained now (for the most part). We are all really excited about that. Alley is crawling and pulling up on everything. It is so funny to see her standing up. She is still very small (only about 13 pounds) and looks so funny standing up.

We will be making a trip to GA at the end of the week to visit family and also so I can get some school work done. There is no shortage of babysitters with all of my and TJ's family around. I am taking my last three classes for my Master's degree right now and should be done at the end of April! I don't know what I will do with all of my free time once I am done with graduate school. I am sure I can find plenty of projects that need to be done around the house. I hope everyone is doing well and I will have some pictures up of the kids in a few days.

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