Sunday, April 08, 2007

Trip to Atlanta to visit with Tracey

Tracey is a friend from Fayetteville who now is at Ft. Rucker. Her husband and TJ were in the same battalion together for a long time. We met in Atlanta during the final four weekend (her dad is a college coach and they go every year). She has three kids (Riley 5, Maggie will be two in August and Emily will be one in August). Alley and Emily were born about two weeks apart. We had a great time visiting with them, but it was an experience trucking all the kids around Atlanta. Thankfully her mom was with us most of the time to help.
Tracey holding Emily and Alley is playing with some of Emily's toys.
Maggie is so sweet, but she is always up to something!
Emily and Alley enjoying their afternoon snack together.
Ty's first ride on MARTA. He was very excited to ride on a train.
Ty, Riley, and Tracey's mom on the train.

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