Tuesday, April 07, 2009

February 2009

During the month of February we spent most of our time preparing for our newest addition. Granny came up to help out and keep Ty and Alley when we go to the hospital.
TJ had a work trip to DC and we went up to visit and sightsee.
Ty and Alley waiting for the Metro
Dinosaur at the Smithsonian
Finding Nemo
Cold, rainy, and tired
Cold, rainy, very pregnant, and tired

Alley getting her first official haircut
She was so still and serious.

Ty got a haircut too.
So cool!!!
We had one good snow this winter.
It takes a lot of work to bundle up. I am glad we don't have to do that too often.

Ty and our neighbor Brianna sledding
Ready to go again.

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